Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Church Welcomes New Princes!

The eve before the Consistory. The Holy Father's lights were on very late.

Good Morning, beautiful Church! Morning of the Consistory. Do not let the blue sky trick you.

The long line.

My friend Anna and I stood in line for two + hours and were the very first people to be rejected entrance into St. Peter's. It was quite dissapointing, but, we did have delicious cornetti and cappuccini instead.

Anna's sad face and both of us soaking wet.

My good friend Kevin, from Wisconsin, came for a visit. Kevin was able to get us tickets for the weekend, because he was confirmed by Cardinal Burke. How neat is that?! Sadly, even after waking up at the crack of dawn, though we had a late night celebrating Thanksgiving with 40+ diplomats (might be another blog post), we still were not able to make it into the basilica for the Mass of the Rings. However, the entire morning was still so beautiful and full of much grace. We were able to participate in Holy Mass in St. Peter's Square and we even received Holy Communion.

Cardinal Ranjith Magno

One can see my hand and scarf on the bottom of the left hand side of the picture. hehe...

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