Friday, January 7, 2011

Motu Proprio: 30 Dicembre

Here is a rough translation of Benedict's most recent Motu Proprio. There is a good explanation of it at the following link:

IN THE FORM OF "motu proprio" OF
Illegal activities

The Apostolic See has always raised its voice to urge all people of good will, and especially the leaders of nations, the commitment to building, through a just and lasting peace all over the world, the universal city of God to which advances the history of the community of peoples and nations [Benedict XVI, Encyclical Letter. Caritas in Veritate (June 29, 2009), 7: AAS 101/2009), 645]. Unfortunately, peace in our times, in an increasingly global society, is threatened by various causes, including that of a misuse of market economy and the terrible and destructive violence that the perpetrators of terrorism, causing death, suffering, hatred and social instability.

Quite appropriately, the international community is increasingly giving of legal principles and tools that will help prevent and combat money laundering and terrorist financing.

The Holy See welcomes this commitment and will make their own rules in the use of these resources that are material to the conduct of their mission and duties of the State of Vatican City.

In this framework, including implementation of the Monetary Agreement between the State of Vatican City and the European Union of 17 December 2009, I approved for the State that the enactment of the Law on preventing and combating money laundering of proceeds of crime and the Financing of Terrorism of 30 December 2010, which is now promulgated.

By this Apostolic Letter Motu Proprio:

a) provides that the said laws of the State of Vatican City and its subsequent amendments have validity for the Departments of the Roman Curia and to all the organizations and entities dependent on the Holy See, where they carry out activities in art. 2 of that Act;

b) is the authority of the Financial Intelligence (AIF) referred to in Article 33 of the Law on preventing and combating money laundering of the proceeds of criminal activity and terrorist financing, as an institution attached to the Holy See, under Articles 186 and 190 -191 of the Apostolic Constitution Pastor Bonus ", to make this public canonical legal personality and legal personality and the Vatican approved the Statute, which is combined with this motu proprio;

c) that the authority of the Financial Intelligence (AIF) is to work towards the Roman Curia and of all the organizations and entities referred to in subparagraph a);

d) delegate, limited to criminal cases under the above Act, the competent courts of the State of Vatican City to exercise criminal jurisdiction over those of the Roman Curia and of all the organizations and entities referred to in subparagraph a).

I decree that the provisions have full and lasting value from today's date, notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, while deserving of special mention.

This Apostolic Letter motu proprio decree to be published in Acta Apostolicae Sedis.

Given in Rome, the Apostolic Palace on 30 December of 2010, the sixth of my Pontificate.


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